
Tuesday 3 April 2012

Caroline Pitcher - story-telling and book signing

I always like to keep an eye on who might be visiting my local bookshops for events so when I saw Caroline Pitcher would be story-telling in Derby Waterstones, I decided to go. Why, you might ask,
did I want to go to a story-telling session? Aren't I a bit old? Well, to be honest, my prime motivation was the book-signing afterwards. Since she was very small, my daughter has collected books by artist/illustrator/writer Jackie Morris and been lucky enough to meet Jackie and have the books signed. I knew some had been illustrated by Jackie but written by Caroline Pitcher, so I thought this would be a lovely opportunity to get them also signed by Caroline.

Despite our best efforts (well, it was Saturday morning and first day of Easter school holidays, after all) I missed the beginning of the story-telling but caught Caroline reading the end of The Winter Dragon to a group of enthralled children, followed by the Snow Whale, which is illustrated by Jackie Morris, and which I remember reading many times to my daughter.

I had a brief chat with Caroline afterwards and was delighted to get all five of our books signed.

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